Dial 999 for a Big Mac

When ‘New Fathers 4 Justice’ activists Archi Ssan and Steve Dawe came down from the arch at Hyde Park gate they we put in the police car with a few officers and got ferried to Mcdonalds, KFC and a newsagents for some fags for Archi Ssan.

It now appears that if you dial 999 you can now get an Ambulance, Fire Engine or Big Mac!!

Archi’s son RS was with them and has written his account of events below

On the fourth day Jean and Micheal came down, and Dad and Steve were going to, however due to the police not allowing any hot food up to the structure they decided to stay two more days!

Anyway on the last day, I arrived at the scene just after Midday and there was already quite a few people there from empowerment Mondays. Dad and Steve had been on 500/600 calories a day, so getting some food to them was a priority. Soon after I got there we had a chat with the chief police officer at the site and discussed getting some food to Dad and Steve. They were prepared to come down, but only after hot food was given and they were happy again.

So the police brought in negotiators and then I chatted to them (I was also accompanied with Caul). We demanded that food be brought to them, after which we said that they would come down fairly soon as they had stayed up as long as they wanted to. They said that that was fine, although the food would be provided as soon as they were off the structure and had come down. This was unacceptable for Caul and me, so we went round in this circle for around 15 mins, before I had enough and suggested a new course of action:

They would chuck down the majority of their equipment, while Mc donalds and KFC would be brought up to them. They would then eat on top of the structure and once they were happy and well, would come down on their own accord and by their own means. We agreed this with the police/negotiators, however when we relayed that to dad and Steve, they considered it for quite some time and Steve decided he wanted to stay up some more! I said whatever you do, do it together, and so it looked like they may stay up for even longer! However soon Steve and dad agreed on the idea, so we set it in motion.

I got in the police car with a few officers and got ferried to Mc Donalds, KFC and a newsagents for some fags for dad. Was somewhat of a surreal experience, being in a police car with the sirens just to take me to buy some fast food! Most certainly it was the weirdest day in my life by far!

Anyway we got back and I showed them the food from the ground and they started lowering their equipment. Once that was completed I crossed the police cordon and put the food in the bucket which was soon up with them. Once they had finished eating and were relaxed, they decided to come down and were arrested as soon as they touched the ground. They were then taken to Charring Cross police station (which we all headed to afterwards) however as Dad and Steve were tired they requested a rest period and so I couldn’t see them.

The next morning they were released on Bail, with all equipment returned excepting Steve’s phone!

McDonalds would like us to point out that the Met Police are not associated with their character Officer Big Mac who spends most of his time chasing Hamburglar and Captain Crook

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