Hyde Park Protesters – Statement for police and press

To whom it may concern.

We have been asked to provide a statement in regards to the protest.

We are aware that news of our protest is being suppressed by the police and other authorities. We have not been mentioned once on the Met Police Twitter page despite the my other minor incidents being mentioned. It appears that freedom of the press does not really exist any more it the UK. This will not deter us and we will stay up here until we highlight the injustice of the present family court system.


We are disgusted with the treatment of children in the family court system. Children are being denied access to their fathers or removed from parents on allegations, forcing them to go through lengthy expensive court battles. This results in a child being alienated from their parents which is clearly not in the best interests of children.

We have tried through the court systems to no avail and as a result have ended up meeting others going through the family court hell leading to our current situation on the rooftop at Hyde Park Corner arches.

It was not an easy climb, we had to scale ladders, different rooftop levels and adverse weather conditions, fortunately we had brought tents with us along with other provisions. We also carpeted the ladders to protect any damage being caused to building. We have been nicknamed on social media as the Hyde Park Heroes.

We feel helpless in regards to the situation with our children and NEED the authorities to start acting in the best interest of children instead of profiting from them.